Casa De La Raza


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Kid Germs

Ah gawd. These kid germs are literally killing me.

I can barely move around the house, let alone keep up with a two-year-old and one-year-old that like to scream all the time.

Maybe it’s not a bad thing. I go 100mph all the time and this is getting me to slowdown. I can’t remember the last time i had a slow Sunday morning, but today I sure as hell felt the time drag.

Let the movie marathon continue!


I started using the mobile app pocket in 2014 after one of my mentors suggested toying around with it. For the next 2-3 years, several phones and devices later, I stopped using it.

While lounging around the house, half asleep and with 2 hours of silence, I asked myself “What did I do when I had time?” I opened up pocket. I have all these bookmarks I saved. A large part of those bookmarks are broken links. Maybe a lesson for the future, but it’s surprising to me that parts and pieces of my mind have also disappeared post parenthood. I might need to find a solution for that.

Maybe self-hosted will be able to help me.