Casa De La Raza


Category: UX/UI


I started using the mobile app pocket in 2014 after one of my mentors suggested toying around with it. For the next 2-3 years, several phones and devices later, I stopped using it.

While lounging around the house, half asleep and with 2 hours of silence, I asked myself “What did I do when I had time?” I opened up pocket. I have all these bookmarks I saved. A large part of those bookmarks are broken links. Maybe a lesson for the future, but it’s surprising to me that parts and pieces of my mind have also disappeared post parenthood. I might need to find a solution for that.

Maybe self-hosted will be able to help me.

Feb 20: Quote of the Day

More frequent releases build trust with external teams, particularly the marketing team or business sponsors. Trust is a hard thing to define. Sociologists call it social capital. What they’ve learned is that trust is eventually driven and that small, frequent gestures or events enhance trust more than larger gestures made only occasionally.

– KanBan Book